Winston Churchill once said “Success consists of going from failure to failure without the loss of enthusiasm”. The dictionary describes resilience as the ability to return to a normal state after being bent, stretched or pressed. Learning how to be resilient connects the heart and mind. And yes, it can be learned!
Dr. Neha Chatwani walked us through the process and share her insight and learnt experiences on how to build your own resilience and to share your own tips (or to learn from others!).
Thank you Neha for this fun Coffee Talk about how you can train yourself to be more resilient and develop greater self-awareness on the subject.
About the speaker

Dr. Neha Chatwani is an organizational psychologist, systemic coach and learning facilitator at the workplace atelier in Vienna who has extensive international experience in Human Resource Management and organizational development. She offers her services to individuals and a wide range of corporate clients including start-ups and NGOs. Her current work focuses on change management bricolage, agile leadership and career design. Neha’s attitude for work is to "think, feel, take action to add meaning and value" supporting people to be the best they can be at work. A thought leader, keynote speaker and academic lecturer as well as a published researcher in her field, she is the author of "Organizational Agility" and editor of the volume on "Distributed Leadership" (Palgrave 2019, 2017). Neha has also contributed guest commentaries to the Global Peter Drucker Forum and Forbes.