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Social Event Coordinator PWN Vienna

Event Review: Christmas Dinner 2022

After two years of online Christmas celebrations, PWN Vienna was delighted to announce this years Christmas Party on December 1st at Habibi and Hawara Nordbahn! Finally in person again!

Habibi & Hawara is a private and independent Training and Integration-centre for people with a refugee or migration background. They aim to provide people with the necessary tools & skills to start their own business and become local entrepreneurs.

PWN Vienna is happy to use this year Christmas dinner as an opportunity to show our support. You can read more about their missions and vision on the Habibi & Hawara website.

The Christmas Party has been a celebration of our community and network, and the gratitude we all feel, despite the difficult year behind us.

The evening also included the introduction of PWN Vienna new president: Sara Mari-Strasser. Welcome to the group!

Some traditional activities, including everyone's favorite, the annual Raffle, took place right after the dinner. Thanks to the contribution of 20 wonderful donors, everyone took home at least one prize!

Find out more about up coming events at, or subscribe to our by-weekly newsletter!

Photo Credits: ©Andreas Hoyer


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